About Us
Charis Manor,
A New Concept
Boutique Nursing Home
The word “Charis” is derived from the grace of God to serve his favorite creation – mankind, and signify the founder’s beautiful expectations for this nursing home.
Charis Manor Nursing Home is a mid to high end private nursing home with the following services and priorities:
- Friendly amenities to seniors and custom designed for those with dementia.
- Respite care (short term stay), long term stay, and day care.
- In-house Executive Chef to customize meals for your loved ones.
- Enrichment activities such as art classes, singing sessions, outings, etc, for their enjoyment.
- New possibilities to age gracefully and with dignity.
- Dedicated Care Team to ensure that your beloved elderly is well looked after at all times.
- Lifestyle that promotes positivity and sense of purpose and empowerment for your loved ones.
- Your loved ones’ well-being and sense of belonging come first.

Charis Manor Nursing Home was established by CSM Academy International Group Pte Ltd as one of its wholly owned subsidiaries. CSM Academy International Group comprises CSM Academy International Pte Ltd, a private education institute established since 2005 specializing in healthcare education and caregiver training.
Charis Manor aims to break away from the traditional nursing home design and operations whereby we designed the nursing home to have the ambiance of a cozy home instead of a clinical setting traditionally found in most nursing homes.
Care provision is also of finest standard expected in upscale hotels where choice of food is found in menus, choice of structured activities and nursing care with an additional list of rehabilitative activities. We encourages our elderly to engage in activities and not just lie in bed to pass their final stage of life but to celebrate life engaging in fun activities and interactions in a friendly nursing home environment. Our holistic living and lifelong care are provided by our well trained team of professional healthcare staff.
With the global and Singapore’s older population on a rise, the issue of elder care or aged living has become much of a social concern. While the fact that people are living longer should be celebrated, the flip side is that age-related ailments such as dementia are on the rise and it is important to find solutions and alleviate the difficulties family members may face as a result.
That is when Charis Manor, a new concept private nursing home with personalized care has emerged to fulfill the needs.
A nursing home is a choice to start a new phase of life to enjoy one’s golden years after fulfilling your responsibilities to family and nation.
Adhering to this philosophy, Charis Manor was born. The word “Charis” is derived from the grace of God to serve his favorite creation – mankind, and signify the founder’s beautiful expectations for this best nursing home in affordable geriatric care, palliative care, respite care, long term care, short term care.
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A Nursing Home Is A Choice To Start A New Phase Of Life To Enjoy One’s Golden Years After Fulfilling Your Responsibilities To Family And Nation.
Friendly amenities to seniors and custom designed for those with dementia
Respite care (short term stay), long term stay, and day care.
In-house Executive Chef to customize meals for your loved ones.
Enrichment activities such as art classes, singing sessions, outings, etc, for their enjoyment.
New possibilities to age gracefully and with dignity.
Dedicated Care Team to ensure that your beloved elderly is well looked after at all times.
Lifestyle that promotes positivity and sense of purpose and empowerment for your loved ones.
Your loved ones’ well-being and sense of belonging come first.
About Csm Academy
CSM Academy was established since 2005 as a Private Education Institute to deliver Service Management programmes with a major focus on healthcare services education. We have developed our own intellectual property programmes in Aged Care, Therapy Services, Biomedical Science and is partnering with University of Dundee to deliver their BSc Nursing in Singapore.
To date, we have trained over thousand of staff from all hospitals and nursing homes (including our own nursing home) in Singapore in the BSc Nursing, Certificate in Aged Care, Certificate in Therapy Services and a Diploma in Service Management whereby we placed great emphasis on application of knowledge to the workplace and skills competency.
We are also one of the first 60 private education institutes amongst the over 2000 schools which have obtained Edutrust Certification at the inception of the new private education bill and is also an Authorised Training Organisation of the Workforce Development Agency.